Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My main actors will be Jamie Clarke and Natalie Clews
Jamie Clarke -

I chose Jamie because once again, he has some acting experience, participating in school plays and talent shows. Like all of these actors, Jamie is at the same sixth form as me, meaning he can be easily contacted, and I have known of him for a while.

Natalie Clews
Whilst Nat will probably not have a full on screen part, she will feature in props as the typical "girl next door", one to whom the boys are head over heels for. In this sense, she has both a "main part" an a part as an "extra". Nat is a close friend of mine meaning I can trust her fully and she can be easily contacted. easily contacted and trusted.

There may be others to take part in the project at a later date, and if so I will post accordingly.

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