Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Filming Schedule.

I thought it would be in my best interests to post my previous filming schedule for my music video. So far, everything is almost wrapped up though I need to film small bits here and there that need perfecting. I've decided to post my filming schedule to demonstrate the organisation that has been put into my filming process, and for myself to get into perspective my filming times and dates. Here is my following schedule:
  • 30th September 12:00pm - Meeting with my actors at lunch time to discuss the filming process, what I want from them and what they need to bring.

  • 2nd October 11:00am - Equiptment, props, actors, scenery checking - running through to see if everything is okay.

  • 3rd October 9:00am - First lot of filming is started. I have decided to individually film all three of the actors to then conglomerate them together in editing. My first actor to be filmed is Actor 2 - Jamie Adams.

  • 14th October 2:00pm - After taking a look at the first lot of filming, i've taken the second lot with Actor 1 -Phil Hawkings.

  • 25th October 1:00pm - Next I have begun filming with Actor 3 - Tom Winship. I have also reviewed the previous filming to make amends on what needs to happen next.

  • 2nd November 10:00am - In my free, I have begun to discuss the extras filming with my extra Rachel Hilton. We set up a later date for filming together.

  • 8th November 9:00am - I started to film small bits of the extras scenes, and bits in which actors aren't included.

So whats next? After the small ends are tied up, I should start my editing by mid-late November, leaving me enough time to make small amends if necessary.

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