Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Colour Schemes - Black and White?

I now have to figure out the kind of colour schemes will be needed for my overall album cover. Thinking about this, i've had an idea for a black and white theme but with one central item or aspect of the album cover having colour. I have gained this inspiration from different mediums, as it creates a dramatic impact and draws the reader in with its one singular colour. By having one singular colour, I can easily symbolise my music video and album because the colour has no other colour to clash or contrast with. For example, different colours are often said to symbolise different themes; red = anger, passion, love, romance; yellow = happiness; purple = royalty; pink = sexuality, feminine.

Steven Spielberg's Schindlers List:

Though the context within the film is serious, and I have interpreted it to be so, this is still my most fundemental inspiration for the colour scheme of my album cover. Here, you can quite clearly see the little girls coat is red, drawing the audience into her image and giving off the sense of love and a mothers' love when put in relation to the context of the film. This one coloured image presents a singular idea with another dimension to it, and in the case of Schindlers list, it shows a sign of hope, in a film that depicts the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

Bart Busschots' photography blog:

I found this on the photography blog of a man named Bart Busschots entitled www.bartbusschots.ie/blog/?p=536. Once again, I picked this for the strong impact it makes and the message it sends out to an audience. In this picture, the idea of nature is highlighted through the orange presented on the butterfly. Consequently, the colour orange presents the idea of happiness, and thus provokes the feeling out of the audience meaning overall this image is seen as a happy and positive one - something I would like to create in my album cover.

GIMP - Selective Colourization Tutorial:

This is less of an intense photo, as it is not fully in black and white but sepia. I obtained this photo from a tutorial website that specialised in teaching you how to place only one colour onto a black and white photo named http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Selective_Color/. I used this photo as I felt that once again, the impact of keeping the eyes colours intact whilst everything else was in sepia was both clever and symbolic to the idea of the beauty of children. Therefore, once again this is a positive image with an artistic dimension to it - something that inspired me further in my ideas of an album cover.
Other colour schemes:
Failing I cannot create such a thing as above, or that I decided to opt out from this idea, I have deliberated three colour schemes I could use in my album cover design and, with explanations, have placed them in the form of a powerpoint presentation.

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