Thursday, December 2, 2010

Creating My Album Cover & Poster - Software.

In order to create my album cover and promotional poster, I will be using various different softwares and mediums. One of the most important softwares I will be using is Macromedia Fireworks. Macromedia Fireworks is a popular software that has now been taken over my Microsoft due to its popularity and high use; i've decided to compile a list of pro's and con's and a summary of why i'm using it.

Pro's of using Macromedia Fireworks

  • I've used the software before on numerous occasions (including my AS media project) so I have substantial experience and know how to use it readily. In my school, Fireworks is used readily so most people have knowledge of how it is used - I can always get help.
  • Fireworks is both available in my school and home - this was important for me so I can continue my project both inside and outside of school.
  • Fireworks is easy to use (though this could be because i've had experience with it)
  • It looks professional and has many options to use in order to create a professional and smart looking album cover/poster.
  • Its free within school

Con's of using Macromedia Fireworks

  • I've had a few problems with it before - there's been on some occasions the inability to save my work and this becomes frustrating. Generally however, it works well.
  • There are more professional looking software's out there, though these may cost quite a bit.

Generally, I can't think of many con's for Macromedia Fireworks - it's a good piece of software to which I enjoy working with to part/primarily create my album cover and my music video poster to.

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