Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You Me At Six - Underdog

I chose You Me At Six for part of my rock research. Rock music is typically sterotyped as being a heavy or darker type of music in comparison to other music genres such as pop or indie. To suit this darker theme, "Underdog" has used its colouring and lighting to create a more sinister feel. Throughout the video, the background in which the band sings in is a dark red, with a darker lighting to reiterate the more sinister feel. However, to contrast against the darker lighting, bright blinding lights are used to symbolise a vulnerability or truth to the band members and what they are singing about. The music video features both male (the band members) and female (actors) characters to pertain to both genders. At one point, one of the female characters start to ballet dance as a sort of contrast to the rock music playing, as ballet music is sterotypically accompanied with classical music - the almost antithesis to Rock music. All of this effectively links the music to the images. By using the actress dancing, the video further adds to its drama played throughout the music video. The shots are often quick and jumpy to add a more dramatic and quick paced feeling to accompany both the song played and the conventions of modern Rock. The brief story played throughout the music video is implied to be of a romantic nature and this is inplied through the use of the colour red throughout. Shots of the band are repeated frequently to draw attention to the band members but as the dark lighting is accompanied by their dark clothing, they are represented as quite insignificant to the story played out by the video.

First Thoughts.

Upon thinking of what to start with my music video in terms of genre I jotted down a couple of genre's I would consider doing and thus will research following music video's with that certain genre;
On first thought, I would probably choose Indie as it seems the easiest to construct in terms of conventions (Indie music video's are known be less expensive).

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am going to be starting my A2 Media coursework designed all about music video's, how they are instructed and how this impacts its target audience. Through such research, hopefully I will be able to reconstruct my own music video to an already publicised song, thus demonstrating my knowledge on the music video industry and the effects used to impact its target audience.